We love to think of precious things for your valuable moments. The home is the most favourite place to you that reflects you as you are. In every moment at home, the space is completely yours that is the most comfortable and your own resting place with things you love.





대표 : 김고은

사업자등록번호 : 379-01-01576

통신판매업 : 2023-경기김포-2025

주소 : 경기도 김포시 김포대로 328

전화번호 : 070-8677-0517

입금계좌 : KB 642201-04-100868

Email : iwgh.seoul@gmail.com

컴퍼니409 | 대표: 김고은 | 사업자등록번호: 379-01-01576 | 통신판매업신고번호: 2023-경기김포-2025 |

주소: 경기도 김포시 김포대로 328, 1023호 | 전화번호: 070-8677-0517 | Email: iwgh.seoul@gmail.com | 

입금계좌: KB 642201-04-100868